Metal Roofing VS Hailstorm

Recently Institute for Business and Home Safety did a study on hailstorm damage to roofing and automobiles. Below you can check out the video. The study ended up showing that standard shingles received moderate to severe damage (with stones >1.25″). You can read the entire report here (this study conducted in Texas it appears outside of the indoor study shown in the video) where it shows…
Utah Snow Removal – Roof

Contact us about our local snow removal services. We can clear your roof in no time. Our rates are great.
We currently provide services to Utah and Salt Lake Counties. Including Park City Snow…
Benefits of Metal Roofing

Residential metal roofing is one of the fastest growing segments of home improvement – more than quadrupling its market share over the past decade. The benefits offered by today’s metal roofs allow homeowners to upgrade their homes with products of lasting value. While other roofs quickly diminish in value as they age, metal roofs provide the following lasting benefits:
Proven performanc…
Metal Roofs Made In America

All of Utah Metal Roofing’s systems are made right here in the United States of America only from American-made raw materials.
Utah Metal Roofing only deals in excellence and this is part of the deal you get when you buy your roof through us. American jobs mean a lot to us. So does our community.
We are constantly looking for ways to use American, and local first. Let’s improve our…